Nearly every mass shooting over the last 20 years has one thing in common… and it’s not GUNS.
It’s actually psychiatric medications.
And now, to no one’s surprise, we are learning that Nikolas Cruz, the shooter who killed 17 students and staff at a Florida high school, was reportedly taking mental health medications, reports the Miami Herald.
Podcast Transcript: “It was almost 10 years ago that I warned America that if you don’t stop the mass medication of schoolchildren you’re gonna get more school shootings. I actually wrote a song. There’s a music video called ‘SSR Lies.’ It’s on NaturalNews.com. Just look under the music tab. I did a song, it’s a rap song music video. In 2009, I warned about all this in multiple articles. I said if you don’t stop the psych drugs, you’re gonna have more school shootings. Of course my warning was completely ignored and now we know that Nicholas Cruz, the shooter in Florida who killed 17 people, was on medication. This has been reported by the Miami Herald and we’ve covered it on Natural News. According to a relative, Nicholas Cruz was on psychiatric medications. He was also being treated in a mental health clinic according to the Washington Post and many other sources. That’s not in dispute. Now, here’s the problem. Psychiatric medications are the one thing in common with almost every mass shooting that’s taken place over the last 20 years…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at NaturalNews.com or PsychDrugShooters.com
Health Ranger WARNED America about psych drug shooters from NaturalNews on Vimeo.