The Health Ranger explains the REAL solution to school shootings. It’s incredibly simple.
Podcast Transcript: “You ever notice that every time there’s a school shooting the Left wants to punish everybody who didn’t carry out the school shooting? In other words, all the gun owners in America who are law-abiding citizens, who are honest, ethical people, who save lives, who prevent crime. Now, we are all supposed to be punished according to the Left, because some psycho nutjob shot up a school in Florida. Yes, they’re coming after the Second Amendment, they want to repeal the Second Amendment and they’re very open about it. This is no longer a hidden agenda. They just openly talk about it. Now, they say you repeal the Second Amendment, ban the guns – well they don’t think about this – that they don’t think about what it actually means if you ban guns. You don’t eliminate them from the country. What you actually do is you ban them from private citizens, but at the same time you put a monopoly in the hands of government. So, the government has the guns, but the citizens don’t. And what government do we have today according to the Left, well the Trump administration, which they say is evil and so, is I find it very odd they want to put guns into the hands of Trump administration officials – given that that’s who they say is evil. They say the people are good, but the people should be disarmed. They say because the people I guess can’t be trusted. According to the Left, we should trust the government, but not the people…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at Shootings.news or NaturalNews.com
The SOLUTION to school SHOOTINGS from NaturalNews on Vimeo.