Guess who the REAL puppets of the Russians turned out to be?
Product Transcript: “Who really colluded with the Russians? Well, guess what? Turns out it was MSNBC, CNN and Michael Moore. Is anyone surprised? Here’s why we know this, because the Robert Muller indictment of – what was it – 16 Russians that he indicted for interfering with America’s election process – by running some social media accounts and doing a few tweets here and there – and setting up protests in New York City. One of those protests was called ‘Trump is not our president.’ So, this was an anti-Trump protest just to be clear. This is what these Russians are being indicted for. So, much for the rush of collusion hoax if it involved Trump, I mean I don’t think the Trump team would organize an anti-Trump protest, but the Russians did according to this indictment. Guess who promoted that protest? MSNBC, CNN and yes even Michael Moore was there. He was at the protest. He was part of the protest. So, these media organizations are part of the Russian puppets. They’ve been saying that Trump is a Russian puppet this whole time. It turns out they are the ones who are the Russian puppets this whole time. Here’s the thing about the radical Left, the insane anti-America, deranged, lunatic, Left… Everything they accuse someone else of doing, they are doing themselves…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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MSNBC, CNN, Michael Moore are all PUPPETS of the Russians from NaturalNews on Vimeo.