It was all scripted! The entire CNN news operation is 100% fake propaganda.
Podcast Transcript: “We now know that CNN did in fact script the entire town hall event in Florida – the anti-gun, post shooting town hall event. They scripted the whole thing. The JROTC kid (Colten Habb), who helped shield five other students from gunfire, and was hailed as a hero, he went on the air with Tucker Carlson on Fox news and said yes he was given questions that he could ask, and then a CNN producer who works for Jake Tapper rewrote his questions. They wouldn’t allow him to ask the questions that he wanted to ask, rewrote them, fed them back to him and told that he could only ask the questions that they scripted, because his questions – the JROTC Kid (Colton Haab) didn’t fit the gun control narrative. Look, everything CNN does is staged, everything is fake. Everything involves actors, scripted rehearsed lines. CNN has been doing this for decades. It goes all the way back to the late 1980s and early 1990s…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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CNN town hall event was scripted “fake news” theater from NaturalNews on Vimeo.