The “mother of all false flags” is coming soon, and the censorship purge of conservative voices is step one.
Podcast Transcript: “A massive political censorship purge is underway right now across Google, Facebook, Twitter and of course YouTube. It can only mean one thing. It means the mother of all false flags is coming. That’s the topic of today’s podcast. I appreciate you joining me, Mike Adams here, the Health Ranger – the editor of NaturalNews.com I also want to give a shout out there to Mac Slavo of SHTFPlan.com who is covering our articles… Many other people are covering our articles like theDailySheeple.com, InfoWars is having me on as a guest from time to time again. One of the things that’s happening with the Indepedent media being under such assault, such a huge attack from the deranged, lunatic, evil Left – the demonic Google’s of the world, the tech-tyranny giants – there is a galvanizing effect that is going on across independent media that’s causing more coorperation and more unity in speaking out against the insanity of the deranged, lunatic Left. Make no mistake, this censorship purge that’s underway is the worst that any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. This is a complete attempt to memory hole everything that is not in line with the obedient demands of the Liberal Left…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at FalseFlag.news or NewsTarget.com
Massive censorship PURGE means a major FALSE FLAG is coming from NaturalNews on Vimeo.