A new narrative is being formed that hopes to blame ALIENS (yes, like little green men from planet Zorg) for a coming collapse of the power grid.
Podcast Transcript: “By now, you know we are living in extraordinary times. I’ve talked about this censorship that’s going on right now, targeting all of us who are independent media people. It’s really a prelude to something bigger that’s coming. Previously, I’ve spoken about what that might be, but today I’ve got a new analysis of what it could be. This one’s going to freak you out. Previously, I said maybe there would be a false flag dirty bomb, where someone gets a hold of some medical imaging equipment, gets a hold of some radio isotopes, wraps that stuff around a chemical bomb, TNT, and flies a Cessna across Houston – or whatever – and just drops bombs – radiological bombs. That’s one way terrorists… I mean it’s been written up in books, it’s been part of spy novels, it’s been part of TV shows, etc. So, there’s nothing new about that. That’s kind of a widely known way that terrorists build dirty bombs, and perhaps might deploy them. But then I saw this article the other day, that’s so freaky, that I’ve got to share with you. It gives me a clue of what could be a totally different, much bigger false flag…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at FalseFlag.news or HOAX.news
Deep state to blame ALIENS for power grid collapse? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.