Censorship comes from organizations that are actually WEAK, not strong. They must suppress others to protect their weak positions.
Podcast Transcript: “Here is an aspect of censorship that a lot of people don’t even really consider. When you look at the extreme censorship now being undertaken by Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, you often think that their censorship comes from a place of strength. You think, ‘Oh, these are big strong companies and they are censoring people, because they have strength. That’s power.’ I’m here to tell you today that it’s the opposite. Censorship actually comes from a place of weakness. That is that they’re so philosophically weak that they have to censor in order to maintain their narrative and their positions. They cannot tolerate – in other words, they are so fragile, it’s such a house of cards – they can’t tolerate even descent. They can’t tolerate someone asking questions. They can’t tolerate any point of view that contradicts their demands. That is only the case when an organization has a weak standing. In other words, they have to be philosophically weak or cognitively weak in order to think that censorship is their solution. That’s what we are seeing today…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at Censorship.news or Freedom.news
Censorship reveals WEAKNESS on the part of the TYRANT from NaturalNews on Vimeo.