Google-YouTube is censoring independent media in an effort to STEAL the 2018 mid-term elections for corrupt Democrats.
Podcast Transcript: “Wow, the pieces of the puzzle are really coming together now. It’s clear that the radical Left is trying to steal the mid-term elections, so they can impeach Trump, and then take away a second amendment rights and obliterate our first amendment rights. That’s what’s going on, I’ll explain it all right here. Thank you for joining me – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger here – editor of NaturalNews.com. I’m also launching a new free speech video site called Brighteon.com. Check that out. You can request an invite there. So, here’s what’s going on, it’s become clear to me – just connecting the dots. The Left can’t win an election when Conservatives have a voice, because Conservatives win every debate – if it’s an honest debate. Democrats don’t have facts on their side, they don’t have logic or reason. They have abandoned logic and reason. They live in a delusional bubble of make believe…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Learn more at Censorship.news
See Brighteon.com for a new YouTube alternative that protects free speech.
Podcast Transcript:
Google-YouTube trying to STEAL the mid-term elections! from NaturalNews on Vimeo.