It’s time for some straight talk about Oprah, a woman who is complicit in protecting and empowering some of the most horrific rapists and abusers of women, such as Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton.
Podcast Transcript: “Alright, it’s time for some straight talk about Oprah, racism, and race relations in America. Let’s start with where Oprah started. She started as a poor, black girl. Through the amazing opportunity that this country enabled her and others to pursue, Oprah has become a multi-billionaire. Oprah has become one of the most economically successful and culturally successful people in the history of this nation. Her name is almost universally known, she has tens of millions of fans… Oprah is a huge success in every way imaginable. Now I ask you, being she was born a poor, black girl, could she have risen to this level of success, fame and wealth if she lived in a nation that was institutionally racist, that oppressed black women? Could she have risen to that power? The answer is no…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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The TRUTH about OPRAH from NaturalNews on Vimeo.