Under the guiding hand of “Chuck You Schumer,” the Democrats shut down the U.S. government for… nothing.
The government shutdown ended in left-wing shame and stupidity. What else is new?
Podcast Transcript: “The Schumer shutdown has ended. It is monumental to understand why the Democrats caved and why this shutdown narrative effort by the Left failed. Now first, let’s just start with the simple facts. The fact of the matter is that in the Senate you have to have 60 votes to pass the continuing resolution for government funding. Of course, Republicans only have – 51 votes I believe it is now after that Alabama Senator change… Anyway, I think it’s 51 votes – which means that you have to have… Maybe it’s 50. You have to have 9 or 10 Democrats to sign on, to pass the continuing resolution. Well, Schumer – who leads the Democrats in their nefarious ways, which we’ll talk about here – ordered Democrats not to vote for it. So, Democrats were the ones obstructing the continuing resolution, and then they tried to blame the Republicans…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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The Schumer Shutdown reveals total FAILURE of Democrat LIES from NaturalNews on Vimeo.