Here’s why the civil war has already begun in America.
Podcast Transcript: “Alright, this is a very important broadcast today. The Civil War is underway. It has begun. The first step in every war is to control the information flow. This has already begun. The power’s that be in the United States, the technology giants – such as Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are now actively and aggressively censoring all opposing views. Anyone who’s not a so-called Progressive/Liberal/Democrat is being wiped out, blacklisted, deleted, banned and prevented from broadcasting. It’s happening across the board and it’s underway. It’s just step one, because when the full attack comes – the attempted revolution, the attempted takeover of America by deranged, lunatic Leftists – they have to make sure that they can control the narrative, that there are no independent voices who can speak out and report the truth of what is actually happening…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Read more at CivilWar.news or NewsTarget.com
The CIVIL WAR has already BEGUN! from NaturalNews on Vimeo.