The Health Ranger explains how nearly every institution in modern society has been “weaponized against you,” causing you to act against your own self-interest.
Podcast Transcript: “Alright this podcast is about recognizing the extent to which the systems and institutions surrounding you in society have been weaponized against you. Now, this is important to understand because when we grow up or if we are conformists, we are told that the systems around us are there to help us. We are told that Big Pharma just wants to help you, as if ‘no, they don’t want to make money. They don’t want to suppress natural cures. No, they don’t alter clinical trials to get the results they want to sell more drugs. No, they love you.’ These corporations, these pharmaceutical companies they are basically Mother Theresa, ‘They just love you so much. They just want to help you.’ That’s what we are told. And of course, it’s complete nonsense. And we’re told that the same thing about government…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Every institution has been WEAPONIZED against you from NaturalNews on Vimeo.