Here’s why the fake news Washington Post is a true “menace to society” and a danger to democracy.
Podcast Transcript: “So, the Washington Post posted an op-ed by a person who is suing Alex Jones, the Gateway Pundit and others, who says that Alex Jones is menace to society and needs to be stopped. Now, this is the new rallying cry of the Left, which is to censor and exterminate everybody with whom they disagree. This is the same thing that the UC Berkeley students do when they say, ‘Kill all Conservative speakers. So, we don’t have to hear them speak.’ This is what the Washington Post is doing. Now, for the record the Washington Post is a menace to society and here’s why. The Washington Post knowingly and deliberately published false so-called anonymous sources to try to overthrow the democratically elected President of this country – President Trump. The Washington Post is a co-conspirator in an actual journalistic conspiracy to collaborate with the DNC and collaborate with these deep state propagandists to overthrow a president. The Washington Post did that knowingly. There is so much fake news coming out of the Washington Post these day, it’s practically… If not for CNN Washing Post would be number one in fake news.” Listen to the full podcast below:
Learn more at NewsFakes.com or WashingtonPosted.news
Fake News Washington Post is a MENACE to society from NaturalNews on Vimeo.